Modern girls often joke that instead of a bouquet in the crowd you need to throw an unmarried man. The ceremony of “rewarding” unmarried girlfriends with a bouquet appeared among the Slavs, however, in Russia around the bride they took a round dance and she blindly gave her bouquet to a friend, in Ukraine the bride gave her wreath to a friend. In European countries, they didn’t just throw them into the crowd: shoes, garters, chains, even tried to tear a piece of fabric from the bride’s hem in the hope of getting married. In England, bachelors even threw socks: the first who caught, became a candidate for the crown. It sounds barbaric, doesn't it?
We offer you worthy options for changing the tradition of throwing the bridal bouquet, this is your chance to stand out with a non-standard approach and have a lot of fun.
Bouquet change . The first option is a doubler bouquet, although it can be made of different materials: fabrics, brooches, corrugated paper and much more. Symbols observed, everyone is happy, and the souvenir will remain at the most dexterous and successful. It is possible to order a bouquet-doubler from several parts: in the hands of the bride, it will seem like a whole composition, and after tossing it will fall into small pieces. So each girlfriend will have a "tidbit". The second alternative is pillows, soft toys, paper airplanes and other unbreakable things. Rest assured, there will be a line behind them too.
Tapes . The bouquet is tied to one of the ribbons, the rest are simply twisted around it. Each unmarried girl give in the hands of the tape and let them pull on a signal leading. Whoever pulls together the desired bouquet with the ribbon will be smiled to happiness.
Open the treasure . Put the bouquet in a chest or glass box, lock it. We put a bunch of different keys in a hat or a bag and only one should fit the drawer lock. We offer friends to arrange a lottery: a girl who pulls out the right key and gets a bouquet.
Round dance . Let us recall the good old Russian tradition: the bride becomes the center of the circle, and friends begin to dance around her. After the signal leading the movement stops, and the bride must give a bouquet at random to one of the girls. So that everything would be honest and unbiased, the person is blindfolded.
Wedding lot . You can cut a bunch of pieces of paper, write warm wishes on them, and on one draw a wedding bouquet. We put this good in a hat or a box and hand over unmarried girlfriends. You can also give out gifts in the same way: whoever pulls out a card with a surprise gets a symbolic souvenir from the newlyweds.
In Greek . Greek women have a very interesting tradition that can take root in our country. On the sole of her wedding shoes, the bride writes the names of all the unmarried girls present at the celebration. After that, an evening of dancing is announced: whose name will be erased first, that friend will marry first, which means that she receives a gift from the bride.
Wedding Quest . All kinds of quests can be arranged not only for the bride, but also instead of throwing a bouquet. Make puzzles and give each girl a map with clues. Who is the first to complete all the tasks and get to the cache gets the main prize! Believe me, watching rival friends is also very fun. The main thing that the case before the fight did not come.
We hope you like the idea of how to replace throwing the wedding bouquet. You have a lot of opportunities to diversify the wedding scenario and have a great evening!
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